Monday, April 7, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Chris Logan and NLCW Undisputed Championship Update

“Someone has to explain why I don’t have shit!” – Chris Logan

It’s been sometime since we have last seen the NLCW Champion, Chris Logan. No longer taking his fight in the ring, the 35 year old is much more focused on his contract. The struggling court battle with the executive board of NLCW has been seesawing back and forth for more then a year now. This is what the NLCW Champion had to say.

“You have a bunch of nobodies pulling a quarter million….. A quarter million! Here I am the world champion, and I’m only sitting on twelve thousand! It’s embarrassing and I’m going to be calling it quits if those numbers don’t change!”

The team of the NLCW executive board has refused to upgrade Logan’s contract as they feel he won’t honor the new offer set for a lifetime deal and worth 2.5 million. Representing the NLCW was David Midvalley and this is what he had to say.

“There come a lot of responsibilities when being not only a World Champion, but also a huge name within the company. Last year alone we have set up autograph sessions where Chris Logan would sign items for the loving NLCW fans. Counts of 35 sessions were scheduled, and he refused to show his face in all 35 meetings.”

While representing the NLCW before the judge with that statement, Chris Logan grew into rage sentencing the both parties into a break. Later that day, Midvalley was asked to continue as he did saying.

“Chris Logan is already sitting on a lifetime deal. Giving his contract an upgrade is doable; however me and my staff feel that it might be great gamble.”

It was only a matter of time before Chris Logan would again grow into rage; however the judge refused to dish out another break. The media was silent when Chris Logan spoke aloud saying.

“I refuse to show my face and will continue to do so unless I see a change. I’m World Champion and they have stripped me of my title when off air…..”

Midvalley was quick to interrupt as Logan felt the judge favored David.

“Reports have been made that when Chris Logan first won the NLCW World Championship, he tried on several occasions to pawn the title for cash. This man has disgraced the NLCW name and I’m ashamed of calling him an NLCW employee. I have no problem having Chris Logan leaving the company, but he has to make that decision as stated in his contract!”

Chris Logan rudely shouted over Midvalley saying.

“Well, I have to eat somehow!”

The judge allowed Midvalley to continue while giving Chris Logan his final warning.

“Again….. I can’t make a decision without my staff agreeing. We did what we thought was right and that was strip Chris Logan of his World title whenever he’s off camera. If Logan wants an upgrade to his contract he better act up and take some responsibility. We are willing to work with him, but he has to be willing to do the same.”

Dismissing both parties as the media surrounded the Champion. This is what Chris Logan had to say.

“I thought the judge favored Midvalley….. No surprise there. I still feel as if I haven’t done anything wrong. Again I’m sitting on a contract worth peanuts. So of course I’m going to no show. Someone has to explain why I don’t have shit!”

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